Comments That Tick Your Japanese girlfriend Off
After you’ve been dating a while, you feel like you can say anything to
each other. Even so, there are a few things that can hit your Japanese
girlfriend nerves the wrong way. Today, based on survey responses from Japanese
girls, we introduce the top 9 comments that are sure to tick her off.
1. “You can’t even do that?”
“Excuse me! I’m sure you can do everything perfectly!” She’s not really
good at figuring out her computer, but you don’t have to be sarcastic about it.
Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Instead of mocking her, look
for her strengths and praise them.
2. “I don’t want to go there.”
She suggested a date spot but you dismissed it without offering an
alternative idea. “He should participate in planning our date.” It’s not just
her date, it’s yours too, and if you’re unwilling to contribute, she’ll get
annoyed. If you feel strongly about her suggestion, follow up with a reason why
and offer some alternatives.
3. “That dress is too flashy for your age.”
“Why does he always bring up my age?!” She probably took hours to
select her outfit for the date and not only did you fail to appreciate her
effort, you literally called her “old.” Even when the relationship becomes
comfortable, it’s simply good etiquette not to make a negative comment about
her age.
4. “I don’t believe in friendships with the opposite sex.”
You turn a suspicious eye on her friendship with another guy. Don’t
assume that your belief is always correct. There’s plenty of debate about
whether you can have a true friendship with the opposite sex. It all depends on
the individual. First and foremost, do not accuse her of infidelity without
concrete evidence. If you’re simply jealous, tell her jokingly that you’re
envious of their strong ties.
5. “I don’t think women understand.”
“What if I tell him that he can’t understand because he’s a man? I’m
sure he’d be upset.” You make a generalized assumption based on gender and you
don’t even try to explain why. Of course she’ll be irritated. Regardless of the
topic, always be prepared to have an open conversation.
6. “My ex had huge boobs.”
“Good for her. He shouldn’t have broken up with her.” It’s extremely
insensitive to compare your current girlfriend to your ex. And you must be out
of your mind to imply that something about your ex was better than your current
girlfriend. Even when the comparison is positive, you’re walking a tightrope.
7. “This food is awful.”
“Excuse me, but I was enjoying my meal! He’s the one who picked this
restaurant.” When you’re overly critical about the food being served, it ruins
the atmosphere for her. Even if you don’t like it, you’re not a food critic, so
stop at “it’s interesting.” Also exercise good manners and finish your plate.
8. “I don’t really care either way.”
“If he doesn’t care, I’m not gonna sit here talking to him. I’m going home!”
It may be insignificant to you, but it’s important to her that you care. When
you’re on a date, be involved in the conversation and be ready to answer her
questions, however trivial you feel they are.
9. “You don’t have very many friends.”
“It’s not the quantity, it’s the quality!” Friendship comes in
different shapes and forms. You have no right to pass judgment on how she
maintains her friendships. Know that some people prefer to keep a small but
tight circle of friends. Don’t apply your standards to others.
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